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A huge thank you to everyone who supports us through regular giving or one-off financial gifts. 

We are grateful for a huge amount of volunteer time that is given too.  

If you would like to give via BACS please use the following details:

  • REGULAR or ONE-OFF GIVING for the general work of New Life church: Sort Code: 08-90-32 Account No: 50428836 Account name: Market Rasen New Life Christian Fellows.(Cooperative Bank)
  • FOOD BANK DONATIONS Sort Code: 08-92-99 Account Number: 65228681  Account name: Market Rasen New Life Church (Holding a/c) Cooperative Bank

Food Bank donations help demonstrate God's love in action in a very practical way. All donations large or small are appreciated. We are very grateful for donations of food items in kind and toiletries too.

Please do ask if you would like to know about other aspects of how we use our financial resources to benefit others.

If you would like to support our work please contact us.

Market Rasen New Life Church is a Registered Charity 1038968